I recently had a special visit from my "Auntie" Carolin and her boyfriend, Thomas. They are both from Germany and someday I will go there to visit them , when I am older! I had a wonderful time showing off my musical skills and playing with them!
In the last few weeks I have decided to absolutely refuse to sleep in my crib for daytime naps. Of course I'm still sleepy during the day from all the busy playing and crawling and cruising I'm doing - so I've been prone to fall asleep in very funny place lately! The FUNNIEST nap I ever took is the one directly below, in my bouncy play seat. When mama lifted me up, I still had a mouth full of cheerios!
Last night we spent yet another beautiful evening at our friends Joe Rebecca and Helena's "farm". WE loved admiring their HUGE veggie and herb gardens , now in full bloom, and I loved visiting their fluffy hens! Everytime we visit mama leaves with dreams of living closer to the earth, kicking it old school like Laura Ingalls Wilder in The Little House on the Prairie. We love you guys! Thanks for filling our bellies with yummy food, our lungs with fresh country air and our minds with new perspective from city life!!
The men-folk had fun doing manly things - tearing down dead branches and making a fire while the women-folk chatted about cloth diapers, birth and babies..... as usual!!
I took a refreshing dip in Helena's wadding pool!
I has so much fun playing my very favorite game with Helena - Peek-a-boo! I even said "boo!" for the very first time!
Today Mama and I went to Grafton Lakes State Park with my buddy Jackson and his mommy Danielle. I LOVE WATER!! I had so much fun crawling around on our blanket, playing in the sand and especially splashing in the waves.
Here I am wearing a pretty little dress with Eric Carle's Butterfly from "The Hungry Little Cattepillar"book. Someday soon mama and daddy will take me to the Eric Carle Museum of Children's Illustration in Northampton, Massachussetts. Until then, I'll just enjoy his beautiful, colorful stories!