I just love to feed myself these days! I practically refuse any baby food unless I can feed myself or steal bites from Mama or Daddy's plates. My favorites are bananas, avocados, cheese, tofu, watermelon and cantaloupe. I especially enjoy getting my food in my hair and eyebrows.... you got a problem with that???
We recently enjoyed a nice family day trip to the hippie little town of Brattleboro, Vermont. It's about an hour and a half by car, and a very windy drive through the Green Mountains. I did a great job sleeping all the way there and most of the way back (I usually hate the car, so this was a major victory!). Mama found her Mecca while there -a natural parenting store filled with wooden toys and cloth diapers called Sprout.
I'm pretty sure I've created my own genre of music! It's simple - dig through the recycling bin and find a cool empty box or can, and then whack the heck out of it with a spoon or toilet paper roll. Voila! - Baby Mozart in the making!!
Patches has been my best buddy since I was about 5 months old, when Aunt Kristen and Uncle Pat gave him to me for Christmas (see the very first entry to this blog for cute pictures!). He makes me laugh and I love to hug and kiss him. So you can imagine how dramatic the scene was when this Sunday morning we were pulling out of the driveway on our way to church and Daddy yelped, " OH NO!!!!! PATCHES!!!!" My poor, poor patches had been stranded in the road in front of our house! Thankfully he didn't look run over and he's still good as new. Mama and daddy had a good laugh at the pictures Daddy insisted on taking!
Hi all!! Mama and Daddy just entered me in a Beautiful Baby photo contest at our local baby photo studio. The prize is a year of free pictures!! You can help me win by voting for me at:
1.Click on Beautiful Baby Contest 2.Click on "Babies" category 3. Click on my picture (pink dress, bouquet of flowers) 4. Give me a Thumbs Up! 5. Repeat as often as you'd like!! Thanks!!!